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Tenants are seeing increasing instances of the renoviction related materials infringing on our parking spaces.

Jane from Trivest Developments has been telling tenants who are seniors that they need to accept being unable to properly access their own paid parking spaces.

In two instances there are so many boxes of appliances and pallets of flooring materials jutting out into tenants' garage space it's not just inconvenient, it's incredibly risky to park their vehicles in the remaining space.

In another instance, Trivest has repeatedly dismissed a tenant's request to remove a Portable Toilet from their parking space. The portable toilet was placed there for the convenience of the construction workers who are doing the renovations - at the expense of our tenant.

The tenants continue to pay for their parking spaces which are included in their leases, yet they are being told to accept these infringements.

Trivest Developments gave us all letters claiming they've been in the property management business for years and they're "looking forward to keeping our home to the standard that all Trivest Developments customers have come to expect." Is forcing us to accept this substandard, slumlord-style abuse their standard?

And what was the point of articulating in so many words that we should contact them for issues when they're going to continue dismissing us anyway?

In Solidarity!

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