In conversation from our friends and allies from other tenant associations we have learned that at this stage of organizing landlords often make attempts to combat the tenants with retaliation.
In the past, landlords in Parkdale have claimed that tenants were making defamatory comments against the landlord, and so the landlord issued further N13s in retaliation.
We need to be cautious now as well.
We know that the landlord has already attempted to interfere in our efforts by claiming there is confusion and misinformation among us, as we suspected they would.
Landlords in the past frequently issue notices of complaints for noise and other menial matters to tenants they suspect are participating in tenant associations.
They could retaliate by potentially claiming there is a need for "inspections" to come into our home and inconspicuously look for evidence of participation in a tenants association.
They could attempt to claim defamation, as other landlords have often done.
They could even stoop so low as to withhold or delay maintenance requests in retaliation of our organizing efforts.
In these cases what the landlord does not expect is the strength of our Collective. We have witnessed from our meetings and communication with each other that the strength of our community is stronger than ever. Not only that, but we know where to find the resources to empower ourselves with the knowledge to know what our rights are. We also have the generous guidance and support of many other Tenant Association allies and Organizations that stand with us!
In Solidarity!